martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Why I'm Like This?

Today in class, we were talking about why I am like this, and I thought it’s very interesting how genetics can form a new human-being, I love when Betty explain when the fecundation is realizing like if spermatozoid count like 32 and ovule also 32, and we the fecundation start they make a new specie with 64 chromosomes.

Since I was a little kid if asked my dad and my mom, why I’m like this, and they answer me things that doesn’t have sense, but know I understand why, I like how can my DNA can tell all my life. I’m like this because genes of my family are transmitted to me, my eye color, my hair color, my hair shape, etc… Because genes of my mom and my dad get together, is the reason I am like I am.

Since I was a little kid if seen clone’s like strange things, but know I see them like a big problem, but a good solution. Yes, I would like to have a clone because if I have a very bad sickness I would make my clone come and give me blood, or whatever thing I need, and then I would be good.

1 comentario:

  1. Santi, the number of chromosomes in each sexual cell is 23, so 23+23=46.


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