On my plant I put a kidney bean,a sunflower and another sunflower its name was "GuSaNiToS RoKeRoS "I plant my three on a plastic container with many but many soil oviusly for my plant grow.Also on my plant I put 3 worms that I think they die or be eated by the 100 foot I also put.
the kidney bean grow a little bit not too much but the sunflowers were soo lazy and didnt grow.I put water each monday, wednesday and friday as it was said to all kids I think in fifth grade.I think this has a relationship wit the unit of "La reproduccion de los seres vivos contribuye a la perpatuacion de las especies "because we are perpetuating some species of plants like kidney bean and the sunflower its is so important to preservated.The bad thing is that my kidney bean could not take off the the seminal cover.
Nico, you made a good connection between the experiment and the unit of inquiry. The picture is very nice. However, you should post a photo of your plant(s). Pay attention to spelling, verb tenses, and sentence structure.