domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Why do I look like this?

I think that I look like this because god make me like that and also the nature, the mix of my parents make me like who I am like beatriz explain us 23 of the ovule and 23 of the sperm joins make me like I look like, I fell like, I am for that reason all the people is different and not body is the same.

Be cloning

I like and the same time not good because you can’t have like a brother and you can’t play and enjoy it because has your same style and likes for that reason it is cool, but bad because it is out of morality and also is dangerous to your body because may affect you inside I don’t sure, and maybe the person cloned can’t said why I look like this because that is sad that the people make that for that reason I said no I don’t like to be cloned .

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