miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Cloning Living Things

Cloning livng things have Advantages and Disadvantages.


1. Human can reproduce easily

2. Especies will continue alive

3. Clones can have many babies.

4. Especies will perpetuate

5. A human and a clone can be in different parts at the same time


1. You can´t clone a clone

2. Clones like the same that the original especie !

3. Clones do no't feel

4. Clones are not easy to do

5. Clones (sometimes) don´t do what you want that they do

I think cloning a living thing is not good because when the original die, the clone will die to.
So I thing is not good to clone animals, plants or people. And if we cole someone and he/her die his/her clone will die so his/her specie would no perpetuate it will extinct, and that wil happend with all the especies.

This are images that swow cloning.

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