Flower parts contain specialized cells called ovules,wich have the job of making the seeds. Some of the seeds or not some all of them are differentsome of them are so colorfull that if we look at them so much time we will become blind and others are so little that we will need some glasses to see them; Botanists clasiffy the reproduction of plants as ones with perfect and inperfect flowers, perfect flowers are the ones that contain both male and female parts, and the inperfect flowers are the ones that only contain male or female. And of course, this different flowers have to find different ways to prepagate themselves.If you look closely to a butterfly or a bee you will see they have tiny hairs.As they land on the flower to collect the nectar, some of the pollen is brushed on these hairs. Then the insect carries the pollen to the next flower, and pollination takes place.
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