Forms of Plant Reproduction:
Plants reproduct in many ways one of those ways is by Sexual Reproduction: Wich is when the plant attracts pollinators wich help bring the sperm and eggs together to form zygote.The female structures help to house the embryo during development.
Asexual Reproduction: Asexual reproduction is when a kind of cloning takesplace. The parent gives an exact copy of itself wich grows and does the same.
Importancia de Minimizar el Impacto Humano Sobre el Medio Ambiente:
Es importante minimizar el impactodel humano sobre el medio ambiente porque ya hemos extinguido varias especies de animales, ademas no solo eso pero tambien estamos contaminando la tierra, derritiendo el polo norte y causando cambios en temperetura global! Si no paramos ya los daños a la tierra pedenvolverse irreversibles!
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