Reproduction is the biological process by wich new "offspring"individual organisms are producer from their parents. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all know life; each individual organism exists as the reasult of reproduction. The knew methods of reproduction are broadly grouped into two main types: SEXUAL AND ASEXUAL.
In a sexual reproduction: an individual can reproduce withouth involvement with another individual of that species. The division of bacterial cell into two daugther cell in all example of asexual reproduction.
Types of Asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction: involvement of two or gametes one each opposite type of sex. Is a biological process by wich organisms creat descendants. Sexual reproduction is the major method of reproduction.
Much of the success of this plan over mosses and ferns in the terrestrial environment is due to their reproctive methods.
Flower, are generally compose the male and female reproductive structure surrounded by attractive or protective leaf life structure collectively noun as the periant.

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