It is the biological process by which new offspring individual organisms are produced from their parents.
Reproduction is the begining of life. all organisms exist as the resust of reproduction. There are two kinds of reproduction sexual and asexual .
The sexual reproduction requires the involment of two individuals or gametes, one each opositite type of sex.
In asexual reproduction, an individual can reproduce without involment with another individual can reproduce without involment with another individual of that species.
only one parent is envolment
all cell division are mitotic divisions
the offspring is genetically identical to the parents. it is a clone
it is a very rapid mode of multiplication
Does not involve the funsion of gametes
It is found in protozoans, sponges, coelentrates, tunicates and certain worms.
It is not found in higher invertebrates and vertebrates.
The principal forms of asexual reproduction are:
binary fission
multiple fission
The need to reduce human impact on the enviroment.
Nowadays we see how we, humans want to create new things using technology
and other tools we have created but the thing is that sometimes we dont care
about the impact these new cretion can cause our environment for example,
humans want to creat new species and they start to do experiments genetic
processes, they have sacrifices some species to create new one, most of the
time thoes experiments fail. they do on plants , animals and some
Nowadays we see how we, humans want to create new things using technology
and other tools we have created but the thing is that sometimes we dont care
about the impact these new cretion can cause our environment for example,
humans want to creat new species and they start to do experiments genetic
processes, they have sacrifices some species to create new one, most of the
time thoes experiments fail. they do on plants , animals and some
years ago they are testing humans . That is the case of clonation it is true that
clonation maybe one day help us to reduce illnesses because they want to clon
parts organs of the body and so on. But the true is that they are exploring fields
without talking into acout the enviroment and the real nature the living things have.
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