The reproduction of a plant is wen bees come to the flower and eats the seed then go to the land and they go to the bathroom and expulse the seed then it grow.
Another thing is that the wind takes them flying
and fall in the land were the will grow.

The impact of the human in the enviroment is a contradiction because the human being can destroy and help the world at the same time.
Some activities that the humans can do for the world are that people heve to recycle to don't have pollution, the R.R.R.,and preservate the word.
In other hand the human being destroys the

earth with some actions like: the pollution, desforestation, kill the animals, etc.
It is important that all the people around the world undersatnd the importance of preservate the earth since this element gives life and a good habitad for animals, plants and humans.
Not also we have to be good persons with the world also with the people that is around of us, and we have to stop violence and bad things.
In conclusion the human being can be the object for destroing and saving the world but the only way to be good for the world is to be conscious of the importance and the need of the nature in the world.

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