martes, 25 de enero de 2011

The Plants

Plants have a different Reproductive Sistem

The have 2 cells:

Mom cell

Dad cell

When plants Reproduce they mix the DNA of Mom cell and Dad cell

When plants are in the Ocean they Reproduce the same way that plants Reproduce on the Ground

On the past a plant have a baby by:

Brocking them Cells in 2 and they mixed thed again and 1 plant have now a baby

My Reflection

I think that Plants are very important for our live and, if we dont take care of it animals

( insects ) could not eat and if animals die we die too ! Because some animals are our food.
Plants help us to have a better life, so we can help them to improve their life doing:

Caening their habitats

Planting a tree

Not thowing garbage to the flor

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