The natural enviroment is all the things around us and is very important for us, because it suplies food, energy, many sources, medicines and industrial products, but that´s not the problem the problem is that we are wasting this resourses that the nature give us.
The humans want more that the nature can give them, so every day the humans need more and more so they are killing the enviroment and the place all living things live, when we take down a tree for makin wood, but we all ready have enough for many pleople so why are we taking down trees we doesn´t need, or when we kill animals only for ilegal sellings, we are not doing something to care the enviroment. Ex: The otter is an animal that can provides us clothes and accesories but we are not killing it for that, we are killing it so he can´t extinct the fishes, why we do that if the otter needs to eat to live. One of the biggest problems that the world is having is not the global warming is that we only think about us and not the things that the world or our home is giving us, the people doesn´t want to change their minds because they don´t matter of the sources that the ecosystems are giving us.

What can we do? we can do many things to minimize the impact that humans are giving to the enviroment, like dont throw the chemicals in the rivers, don´t waste resources that we can reuse, reduse the level of pollution. But this are only words, Im telling this, but how we can make that the people change what they thinks about the enviroment we need to think a form of changing this to help the world so it doesn´t extinct like some animal that had already disappear.

Sofi... excellent work. But you´re right abpout the fact there are only words!!!!. You know what??? our school is a wet-land, plenty of species to protect... but instead, we let all our papers on the floor!!!WHAT CAN WE DO????
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