I look like this because my mother and my father pass me their genes, when they pass me their genes my DNA have all the information they pass to me like my hair color, hair shape, eyes color, the form of my hands, etc. The DNA is
pass generation to generation so when two persons want to create a family there they are joining two diferent types of the
DNA, the ovule has 23 chromosones and the spermatozoid has 23
chromosones so when they join they make 46 chromosones so they create a new life. The sex of a baby is randomly chosen, because it denpend if the spermatozoid is XY is a boy but if it is XX is a girl, so it depends on what is the sex of the spermato
This is my father, my sister and me.
Do I would like to be cloned?
I would not like to be cloned because, I am special how I am and I am unique not any copy of other thing , and I love myself how I am, and a clone is not important because I love to be unique and it doesn´t metter what other people say about ´cause a want to be all my life, a special person without
a replica or my exact copy.Here it´s my mother, my grandmother(paternal part), my sister and me.

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