1. Human can reproduce easily
2. Especies will continue alive
3. Clones can have many babies.
4. Especies will perpetuate
5. A human and a clone can be in different parts at the same time
1. You can´t clone a clone
2. Clones like the same that the original especie !
3. Clones do no't feel
4. Clones are not easy to do
5. Clones (sometimes) don´t do what you want that they do
I think cloning a living thing is not good because when the original die, the clone will die to.
So I thing is not good to clone animals, plants or people. And if we cole someone and he/her die his/her clone will die so his/her specie would no perpetuate it will extinct, and that wil happend with all the especies.

This are images that swow cloning.

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