Betty told us the clonnes do not see exactly as the donator does, another idea about clones is that if you lose a part of your body they could take that part out of the clone, and we would be healthy, and our organs would not reject that organ (when they make a transplant sometimes the organs of the person who was opperated reject the new organ). but even clonning organs has dissadvantages, it would make us inmortals, well almost.
And if God thinks is our time to die we can not disobey him.
What if the clones ( in case the geneticisists had alredy cloned humans ) want to take our place in the earth, example: there is an intelligent kid who had a clone who wants to learn, the clone takes he's place and all the people thinks it is that kid, maybe the clone would do bad things and the principal takes him out of school, then the clone decides to put the kid as he was before. it would not be fair.
Even today in the world there is a lot of homeless, poor people, so cloning would let more people in the street.
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