asexual reproduction
Buding: is a form of asexual reproduction i which a new organism grows on another one.the new organism remains attached as it grows, separating from the parent organism only when it is mature. since the reproduction is asexual, the newly created organism is a clone and s genetically identical to the parent organism.
Fragmentation or clonal fragmetation is a form asexual reproduction or cloning where an organism is split into fragments. The splitting may or may not be international. Each of these fragments develop into mature, fully grown individuals that are ca clone of the original original organism. If the organism in split any further the process is repeated. Fragmentatiosn is caused by mitosis. Meiosis is not involved in fragmentation.
fragmentation is seen in many organism such as molds, some annelid worms, and sea stars. Binary fission of single-celled organisms such bacteria, protozoa and many algae is a type of fragmentation.
Regeneration of new plants from the vegetative parts of the parent plant is called vegetative propagation or vegetative reproduction. vegetative propagation is done with the help of vegetative parts such as roots, stem or leaves. These parts may also be variously modified for vegetative propagation.
Natural vegetative propagation is of different types based on the vegetative organ involved.
sexual reproduction
A new individual is prodused by the combining of material of 2 parents. the fertiliciation ocurs when the egg and the sperm nuclei unite to start development of the of-spring. by repeated sell division, defertilized egg grows from a single cell into a mmany salled embrio.

the flower is the estructure that makes sexual reproduction in flowering plant possible.
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