martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Why I Look Like This ?

Why Do I Look Like This ?

I look like this bacause I have the genes of my parentes 23 of my dad and 23 of my mom.

This make I look like I look !

When the 23 + 23 join they make me and they make my charcteristics, like :

My eye color

My hair color

And other more

The genes give me all the characteristics, they are Dominant or Recessive of my family

That is the reason of why I look like I look !

Would I Like To Be Cloned ?

My answer is No

Because I think cloning living things are not a good idea

Cloning living thing can affect us, because

Clones are ecual to you so if you die your clone will die

You can´t clone a clone !

Cloning humans is dangerous because your clone can have a lot of imperfections in his/her sistems !

So I think I don´t need a clone !

My Reflection !

I know I need to love how and who I am becuase im the unique person in the World !

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